Saturday, January 3, 2009

Test Spin on the Blog

Below is a poem that I penned while walking on a particularly wet day. Having been a dog walker for quite some time now, I have been outside in nearly every shade of weather that the heavens can invent, and the rain is the best bar none. The city and its people really change when the drops start to fall, scuttling away like frightened... lapdogs. Most people just look upset, the hilarious ones are the people that are legitimately annoyed with the flow of nature.

Catching the eye of a particularly hardy person or homeless vagabond who is invigorated as much as I am with the falling torrents is a chance for celebration. I love the drama of weather, the excitement of being caught out of doors, the dogs and I valiantly trudging on like Shackleton and his crew, the horizontal whipping of sleet stinging the eyes, what joy! The dogs especially seem to really get into the energy, the cold kicking up some basic evolutionary tick, long neglected but not forgotten under designer dog raincoats.

I have to admit I love the rain

It’s the one thing that’s always the same

Cold, wet, driving, insane!

Big wet bombs crashing like planes

I put on the slickers and tie up the boot

Pack in plastic all of my loot

At my face this torrent will shoot

Torrential tsunamis of all that is good

I despise the sun and all of its friends

Who conspires to make all the rains end

An open letter to God I shall send

Rip open the clouds and send thunder again!

I can smell the rain from miles away

My heart beats faster, and I start to sway

Make that raincloud charge this way

Big cold drops are welcome to stay

I dress like a shaman and carry a stick

Dance like crazy, incantations I spit

Invite a cold front to give us a lick

Call up old Zeus and summon his tricks

Dancing in the rain or splashing in puddles

Catching raindrops while galoshes do shuffle

Low pressure barometer gives me a ruffle

But only with the sun, am I in trouble

Lets drops fall, I love every one

Like children of mine, hysterical fun

Gather about me, my billion sons

And don’t stop raining till all is done.

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