Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Meet Kali. At just 8 weeks old, she is a ball of energy and love! We are looking forward to watching her grow with us and be a part of the urban hound team!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

You know you all want my job. Especially when the fact is that I get to spend my days hanging out with little puppies like this one. Meet Buster Brown. He is the newest addition to the Urban Hound. A baby goldendoodle. And I have to say - he is spectacular! When you see him on the streets, be sure to stop and give him some good loving!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Miss Lucy Ross

One of the first dogs I walked when I started working for the UH is Miss Lucy Ross - The sweetest Golden you've ever met. Me and Lucy have adventures all over Boston, throughout the South end, Back Bay, and all the way up through Kenmore Square on nice days. At times I would attempt to "sneak" Lucy into area businesses, often times halted at the door with "I'm sorry, service dogs only, sir", to which I would reply - "She's my self-esteem dog!" No one had taken the bate on that one yet, but we'll keep trying. Lucy is completely food-driven (who isn't?), and we have a ritual on Fridays which I call "Treat day". Lucy has been known to share all sorts of people food with me on Fridays because it's Treat day. Sometimes she'll join me for a (shhh!) cheeseburger at Wendy's or Burger King on Boylston, or sometimes it's sharing a slice of Pumpkin Loaf from Starbucks on Tremont, and we've even been known to devour a bag of Cape Cod Potato Chips from any of the convenience stores around town. I know that she would probably like dog-treats just as much but you just can't help it with Lucy - she's like a person. It's nice having companionship with such a wonderful animal, and at times I truly feel like she is my dog. I love her! Lucy will be welcoming a new baby sister/brother in April, and I have no doubt that she will be a terrific role model for her/him. It's nice to have an older sibling to take care of you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I snapped this adorable picture of Trapper the other morning. Trap is like my morning cup of coffee as he is often my first walk of the day. He has a certain zest that makes it impossible not to smile.
We were all out enjoying the snow yesterday! I ran into Trudie, Cai and Amy trotting along on Warren Ave enjoying the flakes and romping in the snow banks!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

bored of homework

Oh yonder catch that flash of black mellow
Brown eyed trot of running crescendo
Catch the stick when thrown afar
then mark the yard you Labrador!

A big shaggy coat of burnt sienna
light as feather and fast as weather
Nips at strangers but plays together
Say Hello you golden retriever!

Behold Watson of those spots
From Scottish yard with lanky trot
can sniff a micron of games delight
From ten mile away with his sight!

Ahoy great poodle curls delight
Get all the fine girls into a fright
with funky boots of euro flair
and all that time to do you hair!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


 So, yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Rocco & Bruno's little sister! Her name is Olivia and she joined us in this crazy world on Thursday. I honestly don't think I have seen a more beautiful baby in my life. Mel and Kate are proud parents, Olivia is so lucky!

 Also, had a great time walking Urbanhound Veteran Lexi yesterday and today, plus Dexter got to meet Raliegh today! It is only Tuesday and already have had enough excitement to fill a week! 

 Everyone get ready for a SNOW DAY tomorrow!