Thursday, January 29, 2009

I snapped this adorable picture of Trapper the other morning. Trap is like my morning cup of coffee as he is often my first walk of the day. He has a certain zest that makes it impossible not to smile.
We were all out enjoying the snow yesterday! I ran into Trudie, Cai and Amy trotting along on Warren Ave enjoying the flakes and romping in the snow banks!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

bored of homework

Oh yonder catch that flash of black mellow
Brown eyed trot of running crescendo
Catch the stick when thrown afar
then mark the yard you Labrador!

A big shaggy coat of burnt sienna
light as feather and fast as weather
Nips at strangers but plays together
Say Hello you golden retriever!

Behold Watson of those spots
From Scottish yard with lanky trot
can sniff a micron of games delight
From ten mile away with his sight!

Ahoy great poodle curls delight
Get all the fine girls into a fright
with funky boots of euro flair
and all that time to do you hair!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


 So, yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Rocco & Bruno's little sister! Her name is Olivia and she joined us in this crazy world on Thursday. I honestly don't think I have seen a more beautiful baby in my life. Mel and Kate are proud parents, Olivia is so lucky!

 Also, had a great time walking Urbanhound Veteran Lexi yesterday and today, plus Dexter got to meet Raliegh today! It is only Tuesday and already have had enough excitement to fill a week! 

 Everyone get ready for a SNOW DAY tomorrow!

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Spring Tease

I couldn't help but start thinking about spring this morning and found myself daydreaming about flip flops and floral dresses. Sadly 40 degree weather felt like a mini heatwave, but I could tell the dogs had a bit of spring fever themselves. The pups seemed to have an extra bounce in their step and Trudie went so far as to greet anyone (and everyone) who walked by her game of fetch. Something was definitely in the air today. However, my daydreams quickly fizzled as I realized it was still the middle of January and that dresses could never be an option for a dog-walker.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh Cooper....

Ever just feel like you need to lie down. It doesn't matter where, it could be on a sofa, or on a cozy, plush rug, or a snowbank. That's how Cooper feels all the time. This is Cooper. If ever there was inspiration for the Jim Hensen Creature Shop, it's Coop. He's a big 8-or-so month old Bernese mix. You can find him several times a day at Corridor Park running with all of his friends... or by himself. Cooper is still learning that he can't charge and tackle every dog he meets... boundaries. He's an absolute mush of a dog though, so please say hello if you ever see him.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

    So look who is back in the hood... HAVI POTATOS!!!  She reconnected with her best friend Bella today and had such a good time.  If you have seen these two in action you know what I am talking about. 
 So welcome back, and if you see us out feel free to stop and say, "hello". She just adores attention! 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Meet my friend Jenny and her baby bullie, Bea. We spent the afternoon romping in the snow and playing today - so fun!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Snowy Day in the City

Ahhhh, a snowy Sunday in the city. What could be better? Lou and I went for a great walk at Pope John Paul Park where we were able hike through the snow and enjoy the beauty of being alone on such a glorious morning.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh Chappy

Chappy is a long time Urban Hound. He has been with us from the start, and is always eager to be out and about... even in the extreme cold. Perhaps that is why he and Trevor get along so well. The colder, the wetter, the crazier the weather, the happier they are. Chappy, we love you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meet Marley...

Last week we welcomed a new pup into the Urban Hound family. Marley is an adorable Puggle with a face that almost screams Basset Hound. He has big ears and a bunch of extra skin wrinkled up on his face. He's awfully cute and quite precocious in the snow. Today he chased a few squirrels, stared down an alley cat, and literally slipped onto his back on the ice in his neighborhood.

If you see Marley's unmistakable face out there, be sure to say hello.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another Winter Day

Well, another chilly day in the South End! Yay for January! I am hoping the weather forecast is not accurate for the next few days and the wind chill is not really going to be 20 below. Brrr. Bundle up, Urban Hounds! And if you have the Mushers Wax for the dogs pads, please leave it out! It is going to be tough walking for the next few days!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dogs are undeniably beautiful creatures, and given their disposition, it is no wonder why they are considered to be man's best friend. However, from a dog walker's point of view, dogs are much more than amiable animals, they are also a source of income, the same way flipping burgers or doing taxes is too other people. Because my job is really out in open, the safety of animals and the expediency at which I can do my job are always dependent on the people I encounter every day. Here are a few tips for the average person so that you can enjoy the entourage, and I can keep doing my job in a reasonably timed fashion.

1. Don't ask me if I know Cesar Milan. Yes, I have seen the Dog Whisperer... once a long time ago, a friend talked me into watching it, I didn't really care for it. Be the pack leader, yes yes, all that. No I cannot speak to the dogs or tell you whether they prefer chicken or beef. The only thing a dog would tell me if I could speak to it would be to run faster, throw the stick more often, or wonder why he is not walked by this unknown master of the walking experience.

2. If you want me to stop on the street so that you can say hello to a pack of dogs, which is totally awesome if you are into dogs, do not run at the pack making clicking and whistling noises, don't even do that in passing. This confuses the dogs, gets their proverbial dog panties in a twist, and generally creates so much disorder that wrangling the dogs actually becomes a job. If you want me to stop this traveling petting zoo, stop where you are, get my attention and wait where you are standing, Ill come to you if I think you are worth stopping for, and barring a outwardly friendly appearance or scandalously revealing attire, this mobile poop factory probably will not stop.

3. If I have to discipline a dog, which sometimes has to happen, do not get on my case or I will discipline you. You are not Mother Theresa, and this pack of domesticated wild animals is not your responsibility, so don't look at me like I am Jack the Ripper for giving a good tug on a choke chain for bad behavior. (PS. I do love the dogs, and no injury is sustained.)

4. I am dog walker, no I am not homeless, thanks for the tip though.

Well thats it, hopefully now the world can live in harmonious balance. If we all work together, and follow these simple maxims, mankind just be able to rise above his animal nature and adopt some reasonable standard of civility.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Nice work Trevor!

So, hope this works for me... No poetry or creative genius today but thought I would give a shot at this.

Staying with Havi (Potato that is) and have been having a really good time. She is so funny in the snow. At first, she really wants to go back inside... give her 5-10 minutes and she is going crazy! Tomorrow most of my dogs are back on! Can't wait to see everyone... Still miss my Oscar though.

Hope everyone's New Year celebration was great and year is off to a good start!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Test Spin on the Blog

Below is a poem that I penned while walking on a particularly wet day. Having been a dog walker for quite some time now, I have been outside in nearly every shade of weather that the heavens can invent, and the rain is the best bar none. The city and its people really change when the drops start to fall, scuttling away like frightened... lapdogs. Most people just look upset, the hilarious ones are the people that are legitimately annoyed with the flow of nature.

Catching the eye of a particularly hardy person or homeless vagabond who is invigorated as much as I am with the falling torrents is a chance for celebration. I love the drama of weather, the excitement of being caught out of doors, the dogs and I valiantly trudging on like Shackleton and his crew, the horizontal whipping of sleet stinging the eyes, what joy! The dogs especially seem to really get into the energy, the cold kicking up some basic evolutionary tick, long neglected but not forgotten under designer dog raincoats.

I have to admit I love the rain

It’s the one thing that’s always the same

Cold, wet, driving, insane!

Big wet bombs crashing like planes

I put on the slickers and tie up the boot

Pack in plastic all of my loot

At my face this torrent will shoot

Torrential tsunamis of all that is good

I despise the sun and all of its friends

Who conspires to make all the rains end

An open letter to God I shall send

Rip open the clouds and send thunder again!

I can smell the rain from miles away

My heart beats faster, and I start to sway

Make that raincloud charge this way

Big cold drops are welcome to stay

I dress like a shaman and carry a stick

Dance like crazy, incantations I spit

Invite a cold front to give us a lick

Call up old Zeus and summon his tricks

Dancing in the rain or splashing in puddles

Catching raindrops while galoshes do shuffle

Low pressure barometer gives me a ruffle

But only with the sun, am I in trouble

Lets drops fall, I love every one

Like children of mine, hysterical fun

Gather about me, my billion sons

And don’t stop raining till all is done.